This website was designed and programmed in compliance with both the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) and the Section 508 government guidelines to enable and improve use by individuals with disabilities.
Task | Keys |
Move forward through items on a page | Tab |
Move backward through items on a page | Shift + Tab |
Press a selected button | Spacebar |
Navigate radio buttons | Arrow keys |
Select and deselect checkboxes | Spacebar |
Open a dropdown menu | Alt + Down arrow |
Go to the previous tab | Ctrl (or Cmd) + Page Up |
Go to the next tab | Ctrl (or Cmd) + Page Down |
Go to the top of the page | Home |
Go to the bottom of the page | End |
Close the current tab or window | Ctrl (or Cmd) + W |
Refresh the page | F5 or Cmd + R |
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